Thank you,Mr Urban. I think we should form groups of neighbors for mutual aid and support.

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Jan 18·edited Jan 18Liked by Alan Urban


Eliot Jacobson speaks for me with this article

On Being A Doomer

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That’s true, Brian. I’m talking about mutual as and support for people who’ve Accepted collapse and have read and u derstood Jem Bendell, Deep adaptation, Michael Dowd,(post doom) conversations, etc. It’s a grief process.

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Hello. I won't argue about "we've fucked up " and need to deal with it. That's been my thinking for quite a while now, but I still have some hope that our ways of dealing with our situation will change.

Not hope for a world of many billions of people living as we in the western world live, but hope of surviving the sixth extinction and bringing enough other species through it to create a pretty wonderful world in a relatively few generations ( maybe 50 generations? ) IDK.

I am utterly amazed at what nature, biology, or Gaia (choose your word) does when given even a tiny chance and a little time without our machines actively destroying things.

Anyway, I appreciate your essay . And even if we don't make it, we need to be grateful for being around through this great experiment of intelligent life on a pale blue dot floating in the Comos.

Thank you for your well written thoughts.

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Spot on

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