Thank you,Mr Urban. I think we should form groups of neighbors for mutual aid and support.

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That’s only going to take us so far.

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Eliot Jacobson speaks for me with this article

On Being A Doomer

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That’s true, Brian. I’m talking about mutual as and support for people who’ve Accepted collapse and have read and u derstood Jem Bendell, Deep adaptation, Michael Dowd,(post doom) conversations, etc. It’s a grief process.

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Hello. I won't argue about "we've fucked up " and need to deal with it. That's been my thinking for quite a while now, but I still have some hope that our ways of dealing with our situation will change.

Not hope for a world of many billions of people living as we in the western world live, but hope of surviving the sixth extinction and bringing enough other species through it to create a pretty wonderful world in a relatively few generations ( maybe 50 generations? ) IDK.

I am utterly amazed at what nature, biology, or Gaia (choose your word) does when given even a tiny chance and a little time without our machines actively destroying things.

Anyway, I appreciate your essay . And even if we don't make it, we need to be grateful for being around through this great experiment of intelligent life on a pale blue dot floating in the Comos.

Thank you for your well written thoughts.

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I kinda feel like, if this is the best we could do with the wealth of human knowledge we have accumulated, perhaps it’s best if we don’t.

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Spot on

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William Reese argued a few years back that Modern Technological society has rendered the Human Brain with its complexity... There are too many vectors of cause-effect such that most people ‘shut down’ their brain & focus on trivial stuff that gives them comfort & other simple emotive stimuli. Therefore, existential issues of our Time will remain unaddressed.

I disagree with your ‘fast collapse’ argument, however. We will see a gradual decline in the Human Population over several decades, then centuries & ultimately, we will bottom out sometime by the end of the millennium. Industrial Society will end long before that. However, people will move to scavenging, piracy & other modes of Deindustrial living in the wastes.

We will be on this rock for several millions of years; however, the 300-year period of plenty we have enjoyed is a luxury that will never come back.

The next several million years will look very similar to the past several million years. Relevant: https://www.resilience.org/stories/2013-09-05/the-next-ten-billion-years/

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Excellent posting, Alan. Sobering but also good to face reality and prepare.

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The Energy Transition is NOT hamstrung by critical minerals or rare earths. Engineers have already cooked up alternative versions of wind and solar and EV and grid storage we need - all running on super abundant materials that make up a good fraction of the earth’s crust! Silicon is 27%, aluminium 8%, iron ore 5%, and there’s enough lithium for about twice the 1.4 billion vehicles we have today. (As an Ecocity guy - I don’t even really like cars! Just being honest!) Heavier sodium batteries for the grid can be made from sea-salt, agri-waste, and aluminium. All super-abundant. Then there’s 100 TIMES the potential pumped hydro sites we need. NOT on river - damaging our last river ecosystems. OFF-river! For a summary of the brands, try here. https://eclipsenow.wordpress.com/materials/


Ai has invented permanent magnets that don’t need rare earths. Popular Mechanics – June 2024


And a lithium battery with more power that uses 70% LESS lithium. https://news.microsoft.com/source/features/ai/how-ai-and-hpc-are-speeding-up-scientific-discovery/

Who knows what it will cook up next?

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